Give Shape To Your Feeling Through Love Letters


True that technology has taken us to cloud nine but writing letters for your loved ones still have a different charm. It feels good to beautify and adore your lady with honeyed words. But words on paper have a greater impact than words sent via text message. Further, it is the best gift with a human touch. After all, your caring attitude, pamper, tender touch, feelings and every emotion matters to your partner.

Love letters for her can actually melt ice between both of you. Shaping your thoughts to words takes time and effort. You will say that you don’t know to write a letter. But that’s okay. Searching online can be a good inspiration. But try not to copy down. This can tamper your feelings.

When should you write love letters?

You might be wondering in the world of rush and speed, why write a letter instead of typing a message! But people, there are situations which a tiny message cannot handle. Some situations need tender human care. Given below are situations when you should write a letter to your girl.

§  Apology

A relationship is incomplete without fights. What to do after a fight? How to mend things? Take out some time, and write a sorry letter. This will prevent you from getting into arguments as well as bringing things back to square one.

§  Thanking

Let your girl know how grateful you are for having her in your life. There are times when you need to express your gratitude. You tend to take each other for granted in your day-to-day business. Saying thank you in a letter is indeed romantic.

§  Congratulations

Your partner’s achievement should make you happy as well. At times when your girl achieves an award or completes something tedious, show her how proud you feel because of her. By expressing your pride for her, you make her know her importance in your life. 

§  Stress-free

None’s life is a bed of roses. There might be pressing problems in the life your partner. Write a note telling her that you will be beside her through thick and thin. Confirm that your love for her will continue for ages.


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